Inflation got ya down?

Get the Ultimate Inflation

Survival Guide

  • Includes Bonus Masterclass/Podcast Episode (answering 10 ways to deal with inflation)

  • PDF Survival Guide

  • Budgeting Template

What You'll Receive Upon Downloading

Inflation Survival Guide

Includes education information & strategies to navigate inflation.

Budgeting Template

Receive a copy of our budgeting template. Input your own numbers (income, expenses, etc) and use our formulas to get a clearer financial pitcture.

Inflation Masterclass

We recorded an hour long inflation masterclass that lists 10 ways to navigate inflation + some financial concepts to up your financial game.

About The Financial Dad

Created by Tim Smith aka The Financial Dad. He's a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER® with over 38 years of experience running his own wealth management company. During a family Easter brunch a few years ago, his own kids told him that even though they went to great colleges, they still lacked some basics when it came to financial literacy.

The Financial Dad was born not long after that. We believe that everyone in the U.S. needs their own "financial dad", someone to help them understand basics financial principles to take charge of their own financial future.

Now along with his two millennial daughters, The Financial Dad offers financial literacy curriculum online programs for high school and college aged students as well as millennials & young adults.

Tim Smith aka The Financial Dad

Two Millennial Daughters curious about Personal Finances

Current State of the Industry



Only 24 % of millennials

in the US understand basic financial principles




Only 23 US states

are required high schools to teach financial literacy




39% of young learners

are turning to Youtube for their financial education


~Houston we have a problem!~

Download Now

Inflation Survival Guide


access to the Survival Guide (feel free to share with friends or family), a podcast/masterclass episode on navigating 21st century inflation and a bonus budgeting template.

© 2023 The Financial Dad

Sarasota, FL